Let’s be real: most of us don’t exactly jump at the thought of drinking glass after glass of water. You might be that person who manages a couple of glasses a day, or worse, barely gives hydration a second thought. But then, there you are, struggling to drift off to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth like you’ve trekked through the Outback. You want to drink, but at the same time, you don’t want to disturb your sleep just to make an extra trip to the loo.

Neglecting your hydration is taking a toll on your body, and unfortunately, it’s payback time. Dehydration is like that annoying mate who doesn’t take the hint and keeps waking you up in the middle of the night. But you can still turn this around, and it starts with understanding why water is your sleep’s best friend.

The Hydration-Sleep Connection

Water is more than just something you need to stay alive. It plays a critical role in keeping your body running smoothly. That’s no surprise since we’re made of 60% water. We’re not just talking about keeping your body going during the day; hydration also helps you catch those essential Zs at night. When you’re dehydrated, your body has a harder time doing its thing. And when bedtime rolls around, instead of slipping into dreamland, you’re tossing, turning, and waking up feeling all too thirsty.

Here’s the kicker: according to YouGov’s data, three in ten Australians are not getting enough sleep, and only one in seven Australians sleep through the night. Sounds like you? Well, it’s highly likely since dehydration is acknowledged as a factor in sleep deprivation.

Dehydration is the Ultimate Sleep Killer

Ever woken up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth that feels like you’ve just swallowed sandpaper? Or how about those annoying leg cramps or a cracking headache first thing in the morning? Yeah, that’s dehydration knocking on your door. And the worst part? Your body wakes you up to deal with it, messing up your precious sleep cycle. It’s like being interrupted right when your favourite song hits the chorus. It’s just not fair!

Dehydration leads to all sorts of fun things like muscle cramps, discomfort, and waking up thirsty, which leaves you staring at the ceiling, counting sheep, and cursing your lack of hydration.

The Bright Side: Proper Hydration = Better Sleep

But here’s the good news, hydration can fix this! When you’re properly hydrated, your body can restore its balance and function properly while you sleep. It's like giving your body the right tools to do its job without bothering you during the night.

Drinking enough water helps with everything from muscle function to digestion, and it even keeps your skin looking fresh and hydrated. No more waking up with that dry, crinkly feeling in your mouth or dealing with tight muscles at 3 a.m. When you’re well-hydrated, your body can slip into deep, restorative sleep, the kind where you wake up feeling refreshed, energised, and ready to face the day.

When and How Much Water Should You Drink Before Bed?

We've all been there: downing a glass (or two) of water right before bed, only to find ourselves stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Not exactly ideal for a good night's sleep, right? That’s nocturia, folks—the bane of restful nights.

To avoid those late-night bathroom runs, it's all about pacing yourself. Instead of chugging water like you're about to cross a desert, aim to sip consistently throughout the day. A small glass of water before bed is fine if you're feeling thirsty, but the key is to spread your water intake across your waking hours. That way, you won't need to play catch-up at night, and your bladder will thank you!

How to Prevent Dehydration for Better Sleep

Looking for more ways to keep yourself hydrated without overdoing it before bed? Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Sip throughout the day: Keep a water bottle handy and get into the habit of sipping regularly. Filtered water is your best bet! It’s cleaner, tastes better, and you'll probably find yourself drinking more of it without even realising!
  • Eat water-rich foods: Go for easy-to-find favourites like watermelon, cucumbers, or oranges. These are packed with water and help keep you hydrated without much effort.

  • Cut back on caffeine and alcohol: These two are sneaky when it comes to dehydration. Try to skip that afternoon coffee and go easy on the evening drinks. Your body and your sleep will thank you.
  • Set simple reminders: It’s easy to forget to drink, so try setting a quick reminder on your phone or just keep your water bottle in sight to help you remember.

How Earths Water Filters Can Help Improve Hydration

If you’re serious about staying hydrated and enjoying better sleep, our
Glass Carafe Alkaline Water Filter might just become your new best mate. Here’s why:

  1. Your body absorbs it easily. Alkaline water produced by our Glass Carafe Water Filter is known to be absorbed more efficiently by your body than regular tap water. This means your body stays hydrated for longer, ensuring you get the hydration you need without constantly feeling thirsty.
  2. Replenishes vital minerals. Unlike regular tap water, alkaline water from Earths Water filters is rich in essential minerals like magnesium and calcium. These minerals not only support your overall health but also play a role in keeping you hydrated, which directly impacts your sleep quality.
  3. Smooth, refreshing taste. We can’t deny that tap water doesn’t always taste great. With our proprietary COREtech™ filter technology, your water tastes smooth and refreshing, making it easier to drink more throughout the day. The more you enjoy the taste, the more you’ll be encouraged to stay hydrated.
  4. Encourages mindful hydration. By having filtered water on hand at all times, you’ll naturally be more mindful of your hydration. This simple change in routine can lead to better hydration management, helping you stay on top of your water intake and sleep more soundly at night.

Stay Hydrated for a Better Night’s Sleep

If you’ve been struggling with sleep, it might be time to take a look at your hydration habits. Proper hydration can make all the difference when it comes to getting those much-needed Zs. So, next time you’re thinking about ways to improve your sleep quality, start by reaching for a glass of water—filtered, of course.

With Earths Water’s 3.5L Glass Carafe Alkaline Water Filter, you’ll not only enjoy clean, healthy water but also improve your hydration habits. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your nightly rest.